哲學,包括形上學 (復可分為宇宙論,本體論),知識論,倫理學,美學;此細分,以拆解哲學為能事,
古希哲,和東哲 (印哲,中哲),另有生命哲學傳統,所謂哲學作為生命的道路 (Philosophy As a Way of Life),https://www.nypl.org/blog/2017/09/13/philosophy-way-life
Van lifer,古已有之,雖然當時,尚無車輪,且沒有車,我曾說過,宮本武藏 (1584-1645),就是 van lifer,可見走路 (walking),何其重要,梭羅,Richard Long,和 Tristan Gooley,都知道這件事,意思是說,走路者 (walker),就是 van lifer,
再者,波希米亞者,就是 van lifer,孟東籬,就是 van lifer,遊牧者,逐水草而居,就是 van lifer,狩獵採集者,就是 van lifer,石炳鋒,遊遍中國廢墟,拍自媒體,視頻為生,就是 van lifer,賭神自摸西,以賭搵食,一條紅內褲,穿到春天,就是 van lifer,豬哥亮,跑路十八年,若非自首,沒有人找得到,就是 van lifer,意思是說,van lifer 忠烈祠,古聖先賢,族繁不及備載,罄竹難書,
Bohemianism is a social and cultural movement that has, at its core, a way of life away from society's conventional norms and expectations. The term originates from the French bohème and spread to the English-speaking world. It was used to describe mid-19th-century non-traditional lifestyles, especially of artists, writers, journalists, musicians, and actors in major European cities.
Bohemian is a 19th-century historical and literary topos that places the milieu of young metropolitan artists and intellectuals—particularly those of the Latin Quarter in Paris—in a context of poverty, hunger, appreciation of friendship, idealization of art and contempt for money. Based on this topos, the most diverse real-world subcultures are often referred to as "bohemian" in a figurative sense, especially (but by no means exclusively) if they show traits of a precariat.
Bohemians were associated with unorthodox or anti-establishment political or social viewpoints expressed through free love, frugality, and—in some cases—simple living, van dwelling or voluntary poverty. A more economically privileged, wealthy, or even aristocratic bohemian circle is sometimes referred to as haute bohème[1] (literally "Upper Bohemian").[2]
The term bohemianism emerged in France in the early 19th century out of perceived similarities between the urban Bohemians and the Romani people; La bohème was a common term for the Romani people of France, who were thought to have reached France in the 15th century via Bohemia (the western part of modern Czech Republic). Bohemianism and its adjective bohemian in this specific context are not connected to the native inhabitants of the historical region of Bohemia (the Czechs).[3]
Flag of the Romani people
你要理解,高速公路休息站,van lifer 最愛,我在那裡,曾數度遇豬哥亮,石炳鋒,喜貴州梵淨山,曾數訪之,意思是說,van life 的地圖學 (cartography),猶待有心人為之,