2. 這個說法,四平八穩,
3. 雙方,帶著既有的觀點,來到「遞解的集合現場」 (i.e. Umschlagplatz )
4. Umschlagplatz (German: collection point or reloading point) was the term used during The Holocaust to den ote the holding areas adjacent to railway stations in occupied Poland where Jews from ghettos were assembled for deportation to Nazi death camps. The largest collection point was in Warsaw next to the Warsaw Ghetto. In 1942 between 254,000 – 265,000 Jews passed through the Warsaw Umschlagplatz on their way to the Treblinka extermination camp during Operation Reinhard, the deadliest phase of the Holocaust in Poland. Often those awaiting the arrival of Holocaust trains, were held at the Umschlagplatz overnight. Other examples of Umschlagplatz include the one at Radogoszcz station - adjacent to the Łódź Ghetto - where people were sent to Chełmno extermination camp and Auschwitz.
5. 然後,治療者,輕輕抱著 (holding lightly),他既有的觀點,
6. 以致,對方的觀點,可以呼吸,
7. 而且,治療者,容許自己犯錯 (fallibility),甚至不知 (not knowing),
8. 以致,對方的觀點,可以長大,
9. 你要理解,互為主體 (這點,與關係學派類似) 相信,互為主體性的關係的脈絡 (context),優先於個體的存在,
10. 「關係性優先於個體性」,
11. 二優先於一,
12. 一源自於二,
13. 我,源自於,我們,
14. 意思是說,「有二才有一,有關係才有個體,有我們才有我」,
15. 這個說法,我剛剛說過,四平八穩,
16. 但是,我不想,不願,也不能,相信 (這點,「關於『我』和『我們』之間的辯證」,我已說明過),
17. 二是,Jessica Benjamin 的互為主體,
18. 這個說法,認為這個世界,在「施害者和受害者的『互為主體性 (?) 』」之外,居然有獨立超然的第三者 (The Moral Third) 的國際法庭,可以像包青天,主持人間的公道正義,審判並判以絞刑,反人類的普丁和習近平,
19. 你要理解,這是他媽的天方夜譚,
20. 我 2023 年一月,會在底比斯之約,說明這件事情,