Saturday, November 26, 2022

John Shotter obituary (1937-2016) (2022-11-30)

John Shotter (2013) Chapter 3. From inter-subjectivity, via inter-objectivity, to intra-objectivity: From a determinate world of separate things to an indeterminate world of inseparable flowing processes. In Understanding the Self and Others: Explorations in intersubjectivity and interobjectivity, Edited by Gordon Sammut, Paul Daanen and Fathali M. Moghadda, Routledge, 2013 

I’m surprised and glad that he noticed Karen Barad too.

但是,我對於 Shotter (2013) 就能來到「那裡」,還是十分驚訝,

什麼是「那裡」,那裡是哪裡,請看 2022-11-28 條目,