Wednesday, August 28, 2024

經驗是什麼 (存在治療)(1130803)

經驗,來自感官,來自六識 (尤其前五識),比如說,飲共匪毒奶粉,食共匪地溝油,吸共匪惡霧霾,趙家人人奶宴,脫褲勃起,這就是感官,這就是經驗,



這就是,經驗的分殊性 (distinction),

為什麼,Michael Foley 說,我們已無經驗,


就像消息,已為「假」(misinformation,disinformation) 消息,

很多年前,天母忠誠路,大葉高島屋,當時有一覺悟,就是原來,人類文明,可以童叟無欺,貨真價實,不用山寨套路,討價還價,國家機器,鉅額補貼,傾銷亂市 (世),







German philosophical term for experience. In post-Romantic German philosophy the term took on the connotation of ‘lived’ non-conceptualized, and sometimes ineffable experience, akin to the stream of qualia of some theorists of consiousness. It can be contrasted with Erfahrung, which denotes more ordinary perception of interpreted fact

What’s the difference between Erlebnis and Erfahrung? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-29)

"Erlebnis" and "Erfahrung" are German terms that both translate to "experience" in English, but they have distinct connotations and are used in different contexts.

1. **Erlebnis**: This term refers to an immediate, lived experience, often one that is emotionally charged or deeply personal. It emphasizes the subjective, present-moment nature of the experience. An "Erlebnis" is something you experience in a particular moment, which can be intense, unique, or transformative. It's more about the quality and immediacy of the experience.

   - **Example**: A thrilling ride on a roller coaster, falling in love, or witnessing a beautiful sunset can all be considered "Erlebnisse" because they are vivid, immediate experiences that have a strong impact on the person.

2. **Erfahrung**: In contrast, "Erfahrung" refers to experience in the sense of accumulated knowledge or wisdom gained over time. It suggests a process of learning or gaining understanding through repeated or extended exposure to situations. "Erfahrung" is often associated with the more reflective, cognitive aspect of experience, which contributes to one's knowledge or expertise.

   - **Example**: Learning a language over many years, developing professional skills, or understanding cultural nuances through living in different countries would be considered "Erfahrungen" because they involve gradual accumulation of knowledge and insight over time.

In summary, "Erlebnis" is more about the immediacy and emotional intensity of a specific experience, while "Erfahrung" is about the accumulated knowledge and understanding that comes from a series of experiences over time.