Wednesday, August 21, 2024

You didn’t mention Deleuze, wasn’t he among the philosophers who advocated affirmation of life? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-21)(存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)

You're absolutely right—**Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995)** is indeed a significant philosopher who advocated for the affirmation of life. I should have included him in the previous list. Let me elaborate on Deleuze's contribution to the philosophy of life affirmation:

### **Gilles Deleuze: Affirmation of Life**

   - **Key Ideas:** Deleuze's philosophy is deeply rooted in the affirmation of life, particularly in his opposition to traditional negative or reactive forms of thought, which he believed were prevalent in Western philosophy. He was influenced by Nietzsche's concept of the "will to power" and the idea of "eternal return," both of which emphasize the affirmation of life in its fullest, most creative form.

   - **Immanence and Creativity:** Deleuze championed the idea of **immanence**—the belief that life and reality are self-contained, without recourse to any transcendental or external sources of meaning. For Deleuze, life is a continuous process of becoming, characterized by difference, multiplicity, and creativity. He rejected fixed identities and static categories, advocating instead for a philosophy that embraces change, flux, and the productive potential of life.

   - **Critique of Negativity:** Deleuze was critical of philosophies that emphasized negation, denial, or reactive forces. He argued for a philosophy that celebrates **positive forces**, desires, and the potential for new connections and creations. This can be seen in his works such as *Difference and Repetition* and *A Thousand Plateaus* (co-authored with Félix Guattari), where he explores how life can be understood as a dynamic field of forces and processes that should be affirmed and engaged with, rather than resisted or negated.

   - **Nietzschean Influence:** Deleuze was heavily influenced by Nietzsche and wrote extensively on him, particularly in his book *Nietzsche and Philosophy*. In this work, Deleuze interprets Nietzsche as a philosopher of life affirmation, and he develops his own ideas in this direction, focusing on how philosophy should promote joy, creativity, and the power of life.

### **Conclusion:**

Gilles Deleuze is indeed a major figure in the tradition of life affirmation. His work focuses on the creative, dynamic, and immanent aspects of life, rejecting traditional negative or reactive forms of thought. By emphasizing difference, becoming, and the power of positive forces, Deleuze stands firmly in the camp of philosophers who advocate for an affirmative approach to life.