Wednesday, August 21, 2024

8/21/24(星期三)(存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)

衛生紙一,吸水紙一,盆栽二,王毅是周恩來私生子,Reacher met Lucy in the diner, he has not told her her husband’s death (no, the dead guy was a boy, not her husband?), 落髮,慢是不想快,也快不了,共匪召開包子之替身之學會之研討會,與會二百萬複製包子饅頭,周日歷史學家,周一存在哲學家,周二神話學家,周三燒開水學家,純粹力動,純粹燃燒,純粹變動,純粹不居,不願為形體所束縛,唯願一探生成的酣暢的可能性,然後迫不及待,還諸天地,復為宇宙塵埃,十一點,陽光變成黃色,宇宙四能量,生成瞬間,是強核能,原子形成後,是弱核能和電磁能,物形成後,才是引力,生命生成,演化即始,人類出場,與自覺意識並行的,就是業力,now, Reacher came back to the site with Vaughan, and found that the body was gone, 解放軍報說,鄧小平命令解放軍屠殺中國人民的兒子,annoyed, you mf, I’m not here to please you; now, after talking to MP Morgan, Reacher was going to drive through Despair, on his way back to Hope,