Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Can we say that, among the ancient philosophies, advaita vedanta explained better the origin of cosmos, I Ching explained better the world after it was fully formed? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-21)(存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)

Your statement highlights the strengths of two ancient philosophical systems in explaining different aspects of reality. Here's an exploration of this idea:

1. **Advaita Vedanta and the Origin of the Cosmos:**

   - **Advaita Vedanta** is a non-dualistic school of Hindu philosophy that posits that the ultimate reality is Brahman, the unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality. According to this philosophy, the cosmos and all its diversity are ultimately an illusion (Maya), and the true nature of everything is the oneness of Brahman.

   - This philosophy offers a metaphysical explanation for the origin of the cosmos by emphasizing the underlying unity behind all apparent multiplicity. In this view, the cosmos emerges from Brahman and is sustained by it, but the ultimate reality remains beyond the transient physical world.

2. **I Ching and the World After Formation:**

   - The **I Ching** (or **Yijing**), also known as the Book of Changes, is a foundational text in Chinese philosophy. It is a complex system of symbols and interpretations used to understand the dynamics of change and the cyclical nature of the universe.

   - The I Ching doesn't directly address the origin of the cosmos, but it offers a profound framework for understanding the world after it is formed. It focuses on how change and transformation govern the world, emphasizing the interplay of opposing forces (Yin and Yang) and the flow of events. The I Ching is particularly useful for understanding the dynamics of the world, the patterns of human behavior, and the principles of natural order.

In summary:

- **Advaita Vedanta** provides a deep metaphysical explanation of the origin and ultimate nature of the cosmos, focusing on the underlying unity of all existence.

- **I Ching** offers a practical and symbolic framework for understanding the world after it has formed, focusing on the principles of change, balance, and the interplay of forces in the ongoing process of existence.

So, it's fair to say that Advaita Vedanta better addresses the origin and ultimate nature of the cosmos, while the I Ching offers valuable insights into the functioning and dynamics of the world once it is established.