Sunday, August 25, 2024

七宗罪 (seven deadly sins) (存在治療)(1130803)(negativity vs vitality)

起因是,邪惡 (evil) 需要方法,七宗罪,就是方法學,貪嗔痴三毒,也是方法學,

The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, function as a grouping and classification of major vices within the teachings in Christianity and Islam.[1]According to the standard list, the seven deadly sins in Christianity are pridegreedwrathenvylustgluttony and sloth

In Christianity, the classification of deadly sins into a group of seven originated with Tertullian, and continued with Evagrius Ponticus.[2] 

Tertullian (c 155 - c 220)


Axial Age

Axial Age (also Axis Age,[1] from the German Achsenzeit) is a term coined by the German philosopher Karl Jaspers. It refers to broad changes in religious and philosophical thought that occurred in a variety of locations from about the 8th to the 3rd century BCE.

How does Confucianism make sense of goodness and evil? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-26)

Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical system developed by Confucius and his followers, approaches the concepts of goodness and evil primarily through the lens of human nature, moral cultivation, and social harmony.

### Goodness in Confucianism:
1. **Ren (仁) - Humaneness or Benevolence:** Central to Confucian ethics is the concept of *Ren*, which is often translated as "humaneness" or "benevolence." It represents the ideal of altruistic behavior and empathy toward others. A person who embodies *Ren* is considered morally good because they act out of genuine concern for others' well-being.

2. **Li (礼) - Rituals and Proper Conduct:** *Li* refers to the rituals, norms, and social proprieties that regulate behavior. Practicing *Li* is seen as a way to cultivate goodness, as it helps individuals align their actions with moral principles and maintain social harmony. Goodness, in this sense, is about fulfilling one’s roles and duties within the family and society with respect and decorum.

3. **Yi (义) - Righteousness:** *Yi* is the sense of justice and moral righteousness, where one acts according to what is right, even if it requires personal sacrifice. A person who practices *Yi* is guided by a moral compass that prioritizes ethical principles over self-interest.

### Evil in Confucianism:
1. **Deviation from *Ren*, *Li*, and *Yi*:** In Confucianism, evil is generally understood as the absence or perversion of these virtues. When individuals act out of selfishness, disregard for others, or in violation of social norms and rituals, they are considered to be engaging in evil behavior. Evil arises when people fail to cultivate their moral character and neglect their responsibilities to others.

2. **Human Nature and Moral Potential:** Confucius himself did not explicitly define human nature as inherently good or evil, but later Confucians like Mencius argued that human nature is inherently good, with an innate potential for virtues like *Ren*. Evil, therefore, results from failing to nurture this potential. In contrast, Xunzi, another Confucian thinker, believed that human nature is inherently self-interested and that goodness must be cultivated through education and the observance of *Li*.

3. **Disruption of Social Harmony:** Evil is also understood as actions that disrupt the social harmony that Confucianism seeks to maintain. For Confucians, the well-being of the community is paramount, and evil actions are those that cause discord, injustice, or suffering within society.

### Conclusion:
In Confucianism, goodness is tied to the cultivation of virtues like *Ren*, *Li*, and *Yi*, which promote social harmony and moral integrity. Evil, on the other hand, is the failure to cultivate these virtues, leading to selfishness, injustice, and social disruption. Confucian ethics emphasize the importance of self-cultivation and education in overcoming evil and achieving moral goodness.
