1. TRD
2. Panic disorder, aggravated with depression and psychotic features
3. SUD, especially NPS
4. Bulimia with purging
5. Suicidal risk and the clinical reality
6. Back up systems
7. Bipolar depression
8. Marital problem, infidelity, divorce
9. ACE as developmental background, conditions for one to be one, and growth limit of self trajectory
10. 八大
11. 如果服藥難以緩解,那麼生命生活,必有大坎
12. How to survive and thrive in the 職場
13. Is there such a thing as ADHD, adult type
14. Olanzapine / Prozac,Wellbutrin / Medicon,Effexor / Abilify,Wellbutrin as supplement,