Saturday, August 10, 2024

Del Loewenthal proposed post existentialism, later called critical existential-analytical, as a way of going beyond the normative existential therapy, along with the critical psychotherapy, what has he achieved so far? (ChatGPT, 2024-8-10) (存在治療) (1130803)

Del Loewenthal has made substantial contributions through his development of **post-existentialism**, later known as **critical existential-analytic psychotherapy**. His work critiques traditional existential therapy, emphasizing the need to move beyond evidence-based practice towards a more reflective, practice-oriented approach. He challenges the dominant norms in psychotherapy by advocating for a focus on practice over theory and considering theories as having implications rather than strict applications. Loewenthal's work seeks to reinvigorate psychotherapy with a critical, philosophical perspective that questions its foundational assumptions [oai_citation:1,Critical Existential-Analytic Psychotherapy: Some Implications for Pra](