Sunday, August 11, 2024

Explain to me the concept of gelassenheit used by Heidegger. (ChatGPT, 2024-8-11) (存在治療)(1130803)

**Gelassenheit** is a concept in Heidegger's later philosophy that can be translated as "releasement" or "letting-be." It reflects an attitude of openness and non-attachment, where one allows things to be as they are without imposing one’s will or desires upon them. 

In contrast to the modern technological mindset, which seeks to control and dominate, *Gelassenheit* encourages a more meditative, receptive stance toward existence. It involves a kind of inner stillness and patience, enabling a deeper engagement with Being, where one becomes attuned to the essence of things as they present themselves. 

Heidegger discusses this idea in his essay "Discourse on Thinking," where he suggests that *Gelassenheit* is essential for a more authentic relationship with the world, one that moves beyond the aggressive, calculative thinking characteristic of modernity.